Echo Glen is an amazing place! This school is surrounded by lush green lands, wildlife, and filled with amazing people working to better the lives of all students here. Our focus is on enriching the lives of students academically and beyond as they prepare to take the skills they learn at Echo to their next environment.
Our school improvement plan details our goals of improving student reading and math assessed levels during their enrollment to promote each student’s return to grade appropriate levels and beyond. Echo Glen works to provide smooth transitions for students going into the community.
We involve residential staff, school staff, families, communities schools, juvenile justice partners, and community agencies to strategize transition stages. It is our goal to facilitate an easy transition as students move from our learning environment into their next. With this in mind, we welcome your questions and comments about specific students in an effort to collaborate on an individualized basis.
Request for High School Credit Earned Prior to 9th Grade
All students who complete high school level credit courses before attending high school, in accordance with District Regulation 2410, are eligible to have those grades and credits placed on their high school transcript. Students should consult with their counselor to make this request which is generally done during the junior credit evaluation.
High school level credit courses taken BEFORE the 2019-2020 school year will not automatically be placed on the student’s high school transcript. Students can request to have them added to their high school transcript. Please note that once the grades are added to the high school transcript, the grade and credit cannot be removed and will permanently be included in the computation of the student’s grade point average.
High school level credit courses taken in the 2019-2020 school year or LATER will automatically be added to the student’s high school transcript. Students can request to have the course transcribed only for credit toward graduation and not include the grade in the student’s high school GPA calculation. Students can also request to have these credits removed completely from their high school transcript. Please note that once the grades and/or credits are deleted from the high school transcript, the grade and/or credit cannot be added back and will permanently be excluded from the student’s grade point average.
Please consult with your counselor for guidance.