Echo Glen has a designated class for students who are very far behind in their high school credits to study and practice for their GED test. This class also serves students who are or will be getting their diploma and wish to take college credit classes. We are a certified testing facility for the GED test, and are in the process of becoming certified for the CLEP tests as well.
The library also host many meetings for the teachers, and staff alike. For the students once a month it becomes a place where they are recognized for their hard work and get to enjoy moments of praise and appreciation.
Echo Glen is able to provide it students with many wonderful books through many donations. The teachers and staff believe and have evidence to support their belief in the need for students to have such an amazing library to not only find books to support subject matter but to learn to explore, imagine, and hope.
In a student's own words
"We rely on reading to pass the time, and really look forward to our time in the library."